Here is a restaurant, Albeto, that we can enjoy an original Italian taste.
01 |Visit
These are breads for appetite.
There are two kinds of breads, and both are soft and savory.
This is an Al Crankio con Crema, which is one of pasta.
It tastes not oily, but a bit sweet. A boss recommended it for us.
This is a Panchetta e Pung-gi.
It is a pizza which contains lots of bacon, cheese and mushrooms.
It tastes a completely my flavour.
In fact, here is a restaurant specialising in steaks,
so we strongly recommend to try steaks.
If you want to taste real Italian meals, you should visit to Albeto.
03 |Information
Address - 29-15, Yongho-dong, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do
Operation hours - 11:00 ~ 22:00
Tel - +82 55 263 2729
Popular meal - Steaks, Pasta, Pizza.
Prise - 7,000 ~ won(KRW)
Grade - ★★★★
Brief - A luxurious Italian restaurant.
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