Bongam Tidal Flats Eco Experience Center
A gift presented by the ocean,
this is Bongam Tidal Flats Eco Experience Center,
where hundreds of living things breath alive
01 | Visitor’s Report
I introduce the Eco Experience Center of Bongam
Tidal Flats at Masan Bay,
a coastal wetland protection area!
The words ‘Bongam Tidal Flats Eco Experience
Center’ is written
in huge writings on the door entering the Eco
Experience Center
I could especially see a lot of signs informing
people to be aware of bees and snakes
You may want to take notice that
there is also a space where you can park your
‘Masanman Bongam Tidal Flats’ is a wetland protection
I will let my bicycle rest, so that we can walk J
How about leisurely looking around the
Eco Experience Center?
This is the signboard providing information
on the Eco Experience Center!
This is the Chrimanetes Dehaani Path under the reeds,
where you can see ‘Chrimantes dehaani,’ which is a protected marine
with your own eyes
This is the arrangement table of the Bongam Tidal
Flats Eco Experience Center
which appears when walking along the path.
You will be able to efficiently look around
when touring around the Eco Experience Center after checking this table J
This is a trash can within the Experience Center.
Wouldn’t this place become a cleaner wetland
if you participate in the recycling campaign for the environment?
There is a resting area available as well J
This is the weekly tide time table.
You will not have to wait
if you visit after checking this tide time table J ?
This is a watching stand for Japanese ghost crabs!
After climbing up the stairs,
a telescope is available,
so that people can watch, just as the signpost says
02 | Information on Facilities
There is a restroom separately available for male and female, which is a
convenience facility
A water fountain is available as well ;)
03 | Basic Information
Address Bongam-dong, Masanhoiwon-gu, Changwon-si,
Telephone Number 055-251-0887
Open Hours Tue - Sun 9:30-17:00
Fee Information Free
Reservation Requirement X
Stars and One-line Comment ★★★
An eco-experience center where you can experience
the beautiful wetland in one sight
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